Through our sister company, Envirolyte NZ, Ecogent provides broad spectrum, eco-friendly sanitation solutions for the industrial, horticultural and residential markets.
Envirolyte produces via compact on-site machines a high effective sanitizer solution known as Electrolysed Water, Electrically Activated Water (EAW) or Anolyte. Anolyte is completely benign from a health and safety perspective, is non-toxic and pH neutral and is a high efficacy bacteriacide and effective sanitiser.
Anolyte is produced by the electrolysing of a salt and water solution via the patented cell technology of Envirolyte. While there are small concentrations of chlorine compounds produced in this process, the key component is hypochlorous acid (HOCl). HOCl is an extremely effective and safe antimicrobial that has a far superior efficacy than other chlorine compounds such as hypochlorite (bleach) when used at recommended levels.
Anolyte can be purchased as a solution in various quantities or generated on site right where it is needed by installing an Envirolyte machine.
Our experience across multiple industries will ensure we deliver the desired outcome for your business.
Replace toxic chemicals and sanitise ecologically. MPI approved for food contact.
Water Treatment: Economic disinfection of water for drinking and potable water, for rural and industrial usage.
Waste Treatment: Dose Anolyte for a cost effective tertiary treatment eliminating microbial contamination.
Atmospheric Fogging: The benign nature of the product allows us to apply the product via various fogging applicators, whether you are looking for bacteria load reduction or odour elimination, we have the solution for you.
Hospitality, Food Processing: Sanitise surfaces and equipment to prevent cross contamination. Increase shelf life. Enhance run length times before CIP, and replace harsh chemicals.
Livestock, Poultry: Dose to drinking water so animals are healthier and stronger. Cleaner environment. Reduced veterinary bills and mortalities. Spray and fog batteries, pens, sheds, barns and stables. Increase production.
Agriculture, Horticulture: From pre-sow seed treatment for increased production and yield, to post-harvest treatment for longer shelf life and prevention of spoilage. Increase production rates and yields.
Dairy Farming: Sanitise milking equipment and surfaces resulting in reduced somatic cell counts, washdown water, dose to drinking troughs and foot baths, healthier animals, increased production and yield. Eliminate E.Coli and faecal coliforms, Staph Aureus, Listeria, Salmonella, Leptospirosis and other pathogens.
Seafoods & Aquaculture: Sterilise product and sanitise facilities. Increase shelf life. Non-rinse approved. Protect stock in dosed recirculated systems controlling all pathogens & diseases.
Industrial Cooling Towers: Dose to cooling water for elimination of biofilm and algae formation. Increase heat transfer, save energy. Remove Legionnaires and other pathogens. Replace chemicals.

Have a sanitation project for us?
Contact us today to discuss.
Projects using Envirolyte sanitation
Our proven results are our best advertisement. We promote quality and safety both in product and service while maintaining the highest standards in project delivery.
Frequently asked questions
What chemicals are used to produce Anolyte?
Anolyte is produced using water, salt (NaCl or KCl) and electricity. Nothing else. It is a completely biodegradable, non-toxic sanitising liquid.
How does an Envirolyte unit work?
The unit electrically activates a solution of common salt (NaCl). There are two chambers within the unit, one positive (anode chamber) and the other negative (cathode chamber), separated by a membrane. A DC current passes through the solution producing anolyte at the positive chamber and catholyte at the negative chamber. The strength of the solutions varies according to the current flowing between the electrodes and gives different values for ORP (oxidation reduction potential), pH (acidity) and FAC (free available chlorine). Each unit is adjustable if needed and can be customised to suit your requirements.
Anolyte: a pH neutral, fast-acting, non-toxic sanitiser pH 6.8 – 7.2
Catholyte: an alkaline, non-foaming detergent solution pH 11-13
How much anolyte can an Envirolyte unit produce?
Units are available in different sizes that produce from 400 to 1200 litres of anolyte per day
How long does an Envirolyte cell last?
The cells have an economic life of five years when used at 10 hours/day or less. Cells can easily be replaced or reconditioned.
How effective is anolyte as a sanitiser?
Anolyte will destroy 99.9% of biofilms, bacteria and viruses with sufficient contact time. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is a good indicator of efficacy as a baterciacide. Depending on the pH of the anolyte solution anolyte will have an ORP of 800 – 1200mV.
Is anolyte effective is wastewater treatment?
Anolyte breaks down organic content in wastewater and reduces bacteria and viruses making anolyte doising an efficient tertiary treatment option. Anolyte also reduces biofilm growth in downstream components such as filters, valves and dripline and is an effective deodouriser when fogged around odourous treatment plant processes.
Can Anolyte be purchased without an Envirolyte unit?
Yes we can supply Anolyte in various quantities ranging from 100 mL spray bottles to 1m3 Totes.