Ecogent are a multi-disciplined team of Engineers and Environmental Scientists with over 100 years experience in the environmental industry. We are able to offer clients practical advice and solutions to environmental issues in the following key areas:

- Aeration system design
- On-Site and Decentralised wastewater management (registered Producer Statement authors with most NZ Councils)
- Design, consent applications and peer review
- Land Treatment / Disposal systems
- High rate biological treatment plant process design
- Bio-Win modelling and peer reviews
- Oxidation pond enhancement/upgrade design
- Package wastewater treatment plant design and review
Ecogent engineers continue their development through:
- Membership of the NZ Water and Waste Association (NZWWA)
- Membership of the NZ Land Treatment Collective (NZLTC)
- Membership of the Water Environment Federation (WEF)
- Membership with Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)
- Regular attendance at IWES & CET short courses and Enviro-Sim (Bio-Win) training courses
- Regular attendance at the NZLTC and NZWWA conferences, iFAT and WEFTEC

Have an Environmental Engineering Project?
Contact us today to discuss how we may be able to assist.