Ecogent offer a range of packaged wastewater management solutions for commercial sized, domestic type wastewater projects. Typical applications are Marae, schools, campgrounds, subdivisions, shopping centres etc in areas that do not have access to municipal sewers. For design flow rates of 5m3 to 50m3 per day Ecogent have pre-engineered wastewater treatment solutions that will meet the specific project requirements.
Our BioBatch commercial treatment plants are a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) type of biological wastewater treatment process. Raw effluent is processed via a sequence of fill, aerate, settle & decant which allows multiple stages of wastewater treatment to take place within a single vessel. This ensures an efficient overall footprint and minimised installation and freight costs.
Treatment is typically to a secondary level (BOD < 20mg/L, TSS < 30mg/L) with options to add nutrient removal and disinfection modules. The treatment process is contained in locally procured tanks which can be plastic, concrete, fiberglass or steel and can be above or below ground depending on the circumstances.
The BioBatch treatment process is quite tolerant of large diurnal and seasonal flow variations. There is minimal sludge generation that can be further processed on site or periodically removed from site. The BioBatch is designed to be operated and maintained by local maintenance staff or tradespeople with remote support from Ecogent.
The BioBarrier is a membrane bioreactor (MBR) type of wastewater treatment process which uses flat sheet membrane modules to concentrate biomass within the treatment vessel. This enables very high quality treatment in a vessel about half the volume of conventional aerobic treatment plant.
The membranes have a pore size of typically 0.04micron which effectively filters out all particles, bacteria and most of the contaminants found in domestic wastewater resulting in a very high quality treated effluent. The advantages of using a BioBarrier MBR are:
- Extremely consistent, high quality effluent
- BOD less than 5 mg/L
- TSS less than 2 mg/L
- Turbidity less than 0.2 NTU
- Faecal coliform less than 200 CFU/100 mL (without additional disinfection)
- Nutrient removal capability (with additional tankage)
- Relatively small footprint
- Simple automated operation (with 3 monthly servicing)
- Low sludge production
- Turn key commercial wastewater management solutions utilising local contractors and tankage
- Designed for 5 to 50m3 per day of domestic type wastewater from Schools, Marae, Campgrounds, Subdivisions, Retirement Villages etc
- Secondary treatment, tertiary treatment, nutrient removal, disinfection and water recycling options
- Low footprint, low sludge solutions
Ecogent installed a BioBatch SBR to treat the wastewater at this Rodney campground. Flows range from 2m3/day in winter to >20m3/day in summer.
Ecogent designed and installed this BioBarrier MBR to treat the wastewater at a Northland shopping centre. Effluent quality resembles tap water and is always compliant with consent.
Effluent from the BioBatch MBR has no odour, no particles, no bacteria and no organic contamination. Suited to a range of reuse options.
Have a commercial wastewater project for us?
We would love to get involved early! We can assist with developing a treatment concept to suit the site and environmental and regulatory constraints. Provide assistance with resource and building consents, complete a process design and provide a complete turnkey design, build and commission package.
Our recent Commercial Wastewater projects
Below are some commercial wastewater projects we have completed recently: